Die Welt zu Gast in NRW –
Messetransfer mit Chauffeur

Oder per E-Mail: info@schneider-chauffeur.de

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Kommende Messen & Events

How do I find the chauffeur at the airport ?

After you have cleared customs, look out for your chauffeur, he will have a sign or name tag in his hand. The chauffeur will also text you shortly before your flight lands if you have provided a mobile number. If for any reason you cannot find us, please call +49 201 858 929 80 or the chauffeur’s mobile number provided in your booking confirmation.

What happens if my flight is delayed?

We will monitor your flight and arrive half an hour after landing to avoid any further waiting time. If you are then delayed further for any reason, such as a delay at customs, the waiting time will be charged at an hourly rate (depending on the type of vehicle), where we divide the hour into 30-minute sections.